Rainwater is the main source of irrigation. Due to climate change, its levels are dropping and are therefore not sufficient to properly irrigate lands in dry seasons. This has an impact on agriculture and local people nutrition.
Moreover, the increase of rain during monsoon seasons, with extremely heavy but short rains, causes vast soil erosion and movements (superficial landslides). This reduces the cultivable lands, and makes it impossible for groundwater to recharge. The upstream areas are the most affected, also due to their topography and high slope. Local people keep complaining about this problem, and ASIA has therefore decided to develop a new project to help increase the collection of rainwater and of seasonal temporary waters.
The project is funded by Tavola Valedese – Ufficio 8 per Mille, and includes the construction of 21
soil cement tank or small dams composed of a mixture of earth and cement that have a water flow rate of 25,000 liters (the water inside the dams is rainwater and is used for irrigation) and 21 irrigation systems (7 per district) that guarantee the maximum efficiency with low construction costs and minimum problems regarding their maintenance and correct management.
The new irrigations systems will be able to reach 3,600 plants, as each system will irrigate 120 plants in 6 rows.
Direct beneficiaries: 90 farmers will attend our courses on tanks management and maintenance and on irrigation systems. During the training each participant will receive a kit containing water sprinklers and irrigating pipes.
However, the creation of these systems will have a positive and direct impact on around 360 farmers in total.
Indirect beneficiaries: local communities will benefit from the basic goods that are going to be grown and sold thanks to the project. Approximately 13,000 consumers will therefore benefit from the project.
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