Education and cultural identity in Genesai

Scuola di Genesai_Tibet


The school of Genesai is located in pasture lands at 4300 m.a.s.l. and it is the only school in a radius of 50 km. Since 2005 the school provides children from nomadic families and shepherds with quality education and a safe place where to grow without the need of moving to big cities that are far away from home to study. As a consequence, the number of enrolled students has increased (four municipalities profit from the school), therefore it is necessary to improve its facilities.

With the contribution of a private foundation, in 2014 we were able to build a new dining hall (790 m2) with new classrooms and offices for the teachers, following the traditional Tibetan architecture and the modern green-building techniques. The building was equipped with all the furnitures needed for the educational activities.

In addition to that, ASIA wanted to improve the level of education of the school. We organised up to date teaching techniques courses for Tibetan teachers and English courses for students, in order to help them pass the difficult admission test to go to university and get good jobs.

Supporting Tibetan educational institutions means to safeguard ancient Tibetan cultural traditions and to guarantee that they are passed over to the new generations. Join the project