We work at the elementary school of Genesai since 2011, when the earthquake of 2010 destroyed the city of Yushu and caused enormous damages in the whole Namchem County.
The school of Genesai was affected, therefore we from ASIA reconstructed the building: the school is one of the few remaining institutes that welcomes Tibetan children from nomadic families in the area and guarantees their right to education and safe housing for those coming from remote areas. The elementary school is important for the children to learn their native language and to become responsible adults aware of their own traditions. There are 95 children living in the school, out of which 28 are supported by our long-distance adoption program.
After our intervention, the living conditions in the school have improved significantly but the level of education of the whole municipality remains very low. The school does not have a library, dining hall or laboratories. Join the project