Italy has been unfortunately one of the countries most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, and ASIA, despite being the Asian continent its area of intervention – where it is operating with interventions for the prevention and containment of the pandemic – has decided to do its part both for the health emergency and for the social emergency that is becoming increasingly pressing.
In the first phase, the lack of essential safety devices for medical personnel was very strong, so we launched a fundraising campaign and we were able to provide the Santa Corona Hospital of Pietra Ligure (in the province of Savona) with headgear and protective glasses.
We also support the covid-19 related research of the Emergency Department of the Santa Corona of Pietra Ligure Hospital, carried out in order to identify the variables that most significantly influence the outcome of the disease and identify early the patients affected by covid-19 more frequently risk of serious evolution, so as to be able to implement the most effective countermeasures.
We then moved on, from May 4th, to a second phase where a social emergency becomes more evident. For this reason we decided to join the Associazione Maestri di Strada Onlus to reach more and more children and families with “food for mind” (consisting of notebooks, books, colors, sketchbooks, stationery, modeling clay and tablets for isolated children unable to attend school activities and remote workshops) distributed to families in need in the eastern suburbs of Naples (neighborhoods of San Giovanni a Teduccio, Ponticelli and Barra).
Project realized thanks to the Alessandra Bonomo Gallery which, by organizing a charity sale with the works of 15 Italian artists (May Italian Art), contributed to the achievement of the objectives and to many individual donors who demonstrated their generosity.