The population of the village of Yarsa (Rasuwa District), though among those most seriously hit by the earthquake, did not find it easy to get help due to the inaccessible locations and the monsoons.
The literacy rate is very low here, and Rasuwa District ranks at the 70th position among the 75 Nepalese districts. Moreover, most of the people living in the village of Yarsa belong to the Tamang ethnic group; their everyday language is different from the official Nepalese taught in the schools, and as a result the Tamang children are more likely to drop out of school.
The school drop-out rate exacerbates one of the problems affecting Nepal: child trafficking which, after the earthquake, further increased in this District.
This is why ASIA has decided to concentrate in this area to “rebuild” not only houses and buildings, but also to improve the approach to education, the environment, the economy and social inclusion.
Caritas Italiana, Clown One Italia Onlus, Save The Children Italia, Tavola Valdese and ASIA’s private donors funded the project.
The first four schools, that has built are those of Arukharkha and Thangdor (Yarsa, Rasuwa District), Namuna and Dupcheshwori(Saramthali, Rasuwa District).
• Arukharkha Primary School house 103 children and 4 teachers. The size is 296 square metres, with 6 classrooms, toilet facilities and a staff room for the teachers.
• Thangdor Primary School house 31 children and 4 teachers. The size is 436 square metres, with 8 classrooms, toilet facilities and a staff room for the teachers.
• Namuna Primary School house 24 children aged from 5 to 8 years old (it will also be a reference point for children from nearby villages) and 3 teachers. The size is 185 square metres, with 4 classrooms, toilet facilities and a staff room for the teachers.
• Dupcheshwori Secondary School house 247 schoolchildren and 8 teachers. The school comprise 2 buildings for an overall surface area of 592 square metres, with 10 classrooms, toilet facilities and a staff room for the teachers.
This project is not limited to reconstruction, but will turn the schools into Centres for the families: education on children’s rights and the risks of trafficking in minors, advanced teaching methods, activities for organic farming and permaculture will be some of the activities undertaken.
During the reconstruction, a training for workers, carpenters, blacksmiths and local artisans on the antiseismic and environmetally sustainbale techinques will be realized.
The number of indirect beneficiaries of this project is 10.000 persone (the inhabitants of the villages of Yarsa and Saramthali).
Now It is extremely important to invest on female education in Nepal, particularly in Rasuwa. High levels of illiteracy bring more violations of human rights, which prevent children to grow-up in a safe and happy environment.
It is possible to support Nepalese girls by either donating or joining the long-distance sponsorship programme.