Promote a sustainable and environmentally friendly production model in Nepal capable of responding to climate change through the cultivation of local varieties and ecotypes with high adaptability.
Melamchi Municipality – Sindhupalchock District (Nepal)
The Sindhupalchok district has climatic, topographical and pedological characteristics that make it possible to focus decisively on the development of organic farming, in particular for organic vegetables and vegetable seeds, on the use of marginal lands in order to increase the incomes of peasant families. The diversified seasonality and the different locations make it possible to produce vegetables in periods in which the supply is normally very low and therefore the market prices are better. In addition, the interest of local institutions and previous experiences in the country place the production and marketing of vegetable seeds at the center of a strategy to strengthen the agricultural sector.
The initiative stems from the experiences of collaboration between the Italian and Nepalese proponents and from the awareness that the agricultural sector is at the base of Nepal’s economic recovery.
The model of agriculture that uses substances of chemical synthesis does not represent an opportunity for these production contexts: the characteristics of the territory and of the productive fabric do not adapt to industrial agricultural techniques, which cause the exhaustion of natural resources, the destruction of genetic variability spontaneous vegetation and fauna and the increase in energy requirements and toxic emissions, with serious and negative effects on the climate, the environment and rural communities.
The use of hybrid seeds with poor traceability and highly variable qualitative characteristics has led over time to strong genetic pollution and to the gradual loss of local varieties and ecotypes, especially for horticultural crops, threatening the availability of the seed of many local ecotypes and their future presence in the country.
The project is primarily aimed at strengthening the system for sustainable agricultural production, with an inclusive model in favor of food security and market-oriented. The production of larger quantities of food, of higher quality and with less use of natural resources and synthetic chemical inputs will be pursued together with the increase in producers’ incomes.
The initiative supports Nepal’s development policies through actions aimed at promoting the private sector, entrepreneurship, with particular regard to women, access to markets and national trade. The aims of the project also include: 1) the improvement of food security and agricultural development; 2) the prevention and mitigation of the effects of climate change, adopting an effective adaptation strategy.
The sustainable agriculture system promoted by the project provides for the broad participation of producers in an inclusive business mechanism in which transparency is adopted and recognized as a successful formula in the market.
Increase the market share of traditional agricultural products (vegetables and seeds) by stimulating demand and raising awareness of the market. Spread conservative, sustainable agricultural practices with low environmental impact in terms of carbon footprint and water consumption for the production of traditional agricultural products.
The planned activities are:
– Selection of sites for agricultural production and implementation of 4 nurseries.
– Establishment of groups of farmers and agricultural cooperatives.
– Improvement of the production of fresh vegetables and selected spices in the production areas.
– Training of groups / cooperatives for the production of seasonal and non-seasonal seeds and vegetables, for the consumption, processing and marketing of products.
– Equipment of infrastructures for the storage of non-perishable products.
– Promotion of bio insecticides, bio pesticides and bio fertilizers.
Direct beneficiaries of the project are 180 peasant families (about 2000 people) from the municipality of Melamchi.
About 14,000 people living in the municipality will indirectly benefit from agricultural and marketing activities