Supporting the nuns of Sumtrhang Monastery so that they can continue to transmit Buddhist traditions and practices to the population of the Ura valley in Bhutan....
Thanks to its sponsorship project, ASIA promotes primary and secondary education for Tibetan children who live in India.
The schools that host them are located in Northern India in the States of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, and in the South in Karnataka. Most of the children...
We work at the elementary school of Genesai since 2011, when the earthquake of 2010 destroyed the city of Yushu and caused enormous damages in the whole Namchem County.
The school of Genesai was affected, therefore we from ASIA reconstructed the building: the school is one...
The school of Genesai is located in pasture lands at 4300 m.a.s.l. and it is the only school in a radius of 50 km. Since 2005 the school provides children from nomadic families and shepherds with quality education and a safe place where to grow...
We work in the school in Derge (west of the Sichuan province in the central part of the ancient Tibetan region called "Kham") since 2005. Since 2009, the children moved to a totally new building, built by ASIA, so as to live in more decent...
In 1993 ASIA reaches Dongche, a poor farming village settled at 3000 meters above the sea level in a lunar landscape surrounded by mountains and characterized by and arid climate. We built the school in 1997 and today it is home of about 262 children.
The Elementary School of Tanggan is located between the mountains covered by meadows, at an altitude of about 3700 meters. We arrived in Tanggan in 2001 and our first initiative was the renovation of the school and the construction of new classrooms and dormitories using...
The Rigmo elementary school is located near the Kokonor Lake, a sacred lake to Tibetans and the origin of many legends. The school was founded in 1987 by using and old military base built in the 50’s. It is located at an altitude of about...
The school is located in Yungog at an altitude of 3700 meters in the village of Hebei.
The difficult living conditions and isolation of Hebei, where the school is located, made the Tibetan customs and traditions remain more alive here than in any other areas. For...